Vast numbers of African-Americans in the state of Ohio and throughout the United States of America are welcoming this “quite revolution” according to the organization’s Chairman, Frederick Harris.  “We literally cannot keep up with the phone calls and other correspondence”, Harris states.

“We will need to continue organizing and raising money to enable us to secure our base and continue to keep the movement alive”. ​Harris points to the sheer lack of equality for minority business owners throughout the state of Ohio.   On the state level alone, the 15 percent minimum goal for Minority Business Enterprise hasn’t even close to being reached. ​Did you know?A​mong the most reliable and committed constituencies of the Democratic Party have been the African-American voters.  Particularly in Northern and Northeastern Ohio.

If in any general election in the State of Ohio, the Democrat vote falls below 60% or the Republican vote climbs above 38% Democratic candidates statewide face difficulties.

Frederick Harris Chairman